Corporate Culture

An Introduction

If you have a job, then you experience corporate culture. It’s the way we think, feel and act in relation to our workplace. The word ‘corporate’ refers to the collective body that makes up an organization. Corporate culture includes the symbols, stories and traditions that we share with each other and pass on to new colleagues as they join our organizations.

This idea applies to many organized groups: corporations, companies, governments, universities, nonprofits, churches, social clubs or your neighborhood fitness center. This applies to you – and it applies everywhere you go. You are likely a member of several ‘bodies’ and subject to several different corporate cultures.

In this, our fifteenth annual survey, we again ask training professionals and business leaders to tell us about their working environment. Through a series of nine questions, we touch on all the facets of corporate culture that executive coaching is designed to enhance: communication, cooperation, openness and empowerment.

Although there’s room for improvement, the survey indicates that workplace cultures are often open and encouraging. Many organizations are emphasizing the whole person – not just the results of their efforts.

In addition to business leaders we also received comments from executive coaches. One coach in Charleston, South Carolina envisions the future of coaching as enhancing “leadership skills that lead to an improved organizational culture.” A South African executive coach pointed out that “the benefits of executive coaching are cultural. The coach needs to understand the impact culture and values differences have on organizational effectiveness.”

This is our seventhyear of research specific to corporate culture. The questions and model for measuring corporate culture are copyright by Sasha Corporation in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, holding company for Sherpa Coaching LLC.

Already taken the survey? Check out the results that can help your corporate culture.