Communication and Cooperation

Question #1: I see communication between every level of management.

Global Respondents Summary

  • Question

I see communication between every level of management.

  • Response

a. Always

b. Usually

c. Sometimes

d. Never

  • Percentage





Many organizations suffer or thrive, depending on their ability to communicate (and cooperate) internally. Communication travels in different directions between teams and groups. Management (at all levels) must effectively communicate in order to send clear messages and expectations throughout an organization.

What we see in 2020 and years past is a neutral result: about 50-60% positive and 40-50% negative. Is ‘sometimes’ good enough? Are businesses struggling in general to create effective channels of communication? What can they do about it?

What happens when Alicia, the perfectionist, takes on the whole project herself? Is she having a positive or negative impact on business by shutting others out and “owning” too much of the work? Remember, Alicia assumed her boss didn’t know enough to contribute and told her staff and supervisors to focus on their own daily work routines.

How do you think those supervisors and staff would answer this question about their workplace culture? They certainly wouldn’t say they see a lot of communication between every level of management.

What can her company do about it? How can they build trust between leaders and teams, between managers and staff? What can they do to create the necessary culture of communication where everyone can thrive?

The bottom line would be better served if they took the time to focus on making those improvements to organizational culture.

Already taken the survey? Check out the results that can help your corporate culture.